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Biodiversity Club

The Biodiversity club is a student club for pre-professional transfer of students interested in organism biology and conservation. It seeks to interact with the scientific community and to contribute to the student’s educational growth, recreational needs and personal development. The main objectives of establishing the Biodiversity Clubs include assessing the local biodiversity and coming up with programs on benefit sharing of biodiversity resources in association with Biodiversity Management Committee (BMC).

Nature of activities of Biodiversity Club
  • Conduct biodiversity studies in association with BMC

  • Involve in the activities of forming People’s Biodiversity Registers.

  • Assessing the local biodiversity and come up with programs on benefit sharing of biodiversity resources in association with BMCs.

  • Conducting awareness programs on biodiversity conservation.

  • Equip younger generation to create biodiversity awareness in the community

  • Help to materialize biodiversity conservation plans proposed by BMCs of the area.

Club Representative

Coordinator: Ms. Dhanya (Botany)


Mrs. Jisha (Zoology)

Mr. Vishnu. S. L (IMB)

Dr. Shal Chandran (Botany)

Dr. Divya (Zoology)

Ms.Sona G.Krishnan (Physics)

Dr. Vijayalekshmi (Chemistry)

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