As part of the International Webinar Series DIALECTICS 2024, hosted by Sree Narayana College for Women, Kollam, in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, the Department of Hindi organized an invited talk by Dr Sitare Hind,Dr Sheeba M R officially welcomed the chief guest. Department HoD Prof (Dr) Manju A Chaired the session.SitareHind delivered a lecture on Bhakthi kaleen Hindi kavitha ka sahithyik samajik mahathva. In his view "the poetry of bhakthi era there was a contemporary influence evident. Poiet of that time incorporated reflections of their current environment, social nuisance and personal experiences into their devotional compositions". The seminar was very informative. About 100 students participated. Dr Reshma PP Webinar Co Ordinator delivered the vote of thanks.
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