Dialectics 2024-2025
Organised by Team IQAC-SNCW in Association With History Department
Conducted a Seminar on the Topic of " Art and Aesthetics of Ancient Bharat"
Dr Ajith Kumar MP ( Historian, Writer, Columnist) was the resource person. Seminar coordinator : Dr Niju. P( Assistant professor of History), Welcome speech given By Dr Mani V( HOD, Department of History),
Seminar inaugurated by Dr Reji. R ( coordinator IQAC), Dr Divya.S ( Assistant professor of History )recorded Vote of Thanks.
110 students (History Department and MA English )participated in the program.
4/11/2024 Monday, Afternoon session
The students of the History department participated in Paper presentation competition related to the topic of " Cultural Heritage of Bharath". Ms Athulya Chandran of IIIrd BA HISTORY won the first prize.
